Thursday, June 24, 2010

Fashion Passes but Style Remains

Fashion is something I don't think i truly follow,yes i wear lots of floral in the spring and summer and then darker colors in the fall and winter,but is that considered "fashion".Fashion and style are completely different things.Fashion is something that's in magazines,that's on runways,that's stylish.But style is something that stays with us forever.My style staples Id have to say would be a big cardigan and a watch.I add these two things to almost anything and i swear it makes anything me.Even if its something i  feel if-ish about adding these things can turn it in to something that fits my style.I like what I wear and what i consider my style-to be kinda nerdy and quirky.And very classic,i also like darker colors-which really isn't represented by the outfit above but most my other outfits are in a darker tone.Like the things I wear today I could wear the rest of my life-well maybe done a little differently.So out of all that babble I'm trying to say style is whats important to me. Whats more important to you? 


luciana said...

Really lovely Post & outfit!

luciana said...

Thank you so much. Sure, I've send you the invite. Hope you have fun :)

Mandy said...

i love the colors of ur dress !
lovely <3

minnja said...

Lovely outfit!
Great blog and I follow you now... and I hope, you will follow me, too?

Love from Germany, minnja